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A Seasonal View of the New Forest

These picture galleries show aspects of the New Forest in southern England. For many years I have been fortunate enough to enjoy the Forest landscape and wildlife at all seasons. I have found that carrying a camera may add greatly to the enjoyment of a ramble. One never knows what may be around the next corner. A change in the weather conditions, such as raindrops after a shower, a little mist or shafting sunlight in dense woodland, can lend an air of beauty or mystery to a familiar scene. In my pictures I try to convey the seasonal moods and record the wildlife which I come across.

My aim, when selecting these pictures, was to evoke a feeling for the wilder aspects of the Forest. For this reason I have kept to landscape and natural history subjects, along with some of the Commoners’ animals, without any human activities. Occasionally, I find that black and white photography can convey atmosphere better than colour and so a few monochrome pictures are included. The pictures are arranged roughly according to the seasons of the year. They were all taken in places where one may wander freely, but with great care not to disturb the animals. Particularly for the occasional visitor to the area, I hope to show that there is no ‘off season’ for exploring this uniquely attractive environment.

Ursula Jeffree, Brockenhurst.

Please note: We have published a booklet of these pictures - see 'Contact' on 'PandUJ Home' page for details.